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  • The Significance of Renovation in Hotels: Enhancing Guest Experience and Sustainability

    Hotel renovation is a critical and ongoing process that plays a pivotal role in ensuring a hotel's success, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability. It involves updating, refreshing, or even completely transforming various aspects of the property to meet the evolving needs and expectations of guests. Here's why renovation is essential in a hotel: 1. Guest Experience Enhancement: The guest experience is at the heart of the hospitality industry. Renovation allows hotels to modernize their facilities, rooms, and common areas to provide guests with comfortable, up-to-date, and enjoyable stays. Updated amenities, stylish interiors, and state-of-the-art technology contribute to overall satisfaction. 2. Maintaining Competitiveness: The hotel industry is highly competitive, and guests have a wide array of choices. Renovation helps hotels stay relevant and competitive in the market by offering fresh, appealing spaces and amenities. A well-renovated hotel can attract more guests and secure repeat business. 3. Meeting Guest Expectations: Guest expectations continually evolve, and what was considered luxurious and modern a few years ago may now be outdated. Renovation allows hotels to stay aligned with current trends, technology, and design preferences, ensuring that guests have access to the latest conveniences and aesthetics. 4. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Renovation often includes updates to improve energy efficiency and sustainability. This can include replacing outdated HVAC systems, installing energy-efficient lighting, and incorporating eco-friendly materials. These efforts not only reduce operational costs but also align with environmental responsibility, a growing concern for both guests and the industry. 5. Brand Image and Reputation: A well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing hotel enhances the brand's image and reputation. Positive guest experiences in newly renovated spaces lead to favorable reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations, which are invaluable for attracting new guests. 6. Compliance and Safety: Renovation allows hotels to address compliance issues and safety concerns. It ensures that the property meets current building codes, fire safety regulations, and accessibility standards, reducing potential liabilities. 7. Maximizing Revenue Potential: Renovations can create opportunities for revenue growth. Updated facilities and rooms may command higher room rates, and the addition of new amenities or event spaces can increase bookings for conferences, weddings, and other events. 8. Long-Term Asset Preservation: Regular renovation and maintenance help protect the long-term value of the hotel property. Preventative measures and timely repairs can extend the life of assets, reducing the need for costly replacements in the future. 9. Adaptation to Market Changes: Renovation allows hotels to adapt to changes in the market, such as shifts in traveler preferences, demographics, or emerging travel trends. Flexibility in design and functionality ensures that hotels can cater to a diverse range of guests. 10. Catering to New Traveler Preferences: Traveler preferences are constantly evolving. Renovation enables hotels to incorporate features that align with these changing preferences. This may include adding fitness centers, spa facilities, or pet-friendly accommodations to cater to specific traveler needs. Today's travelers expect seamless connectivity and modern technology in their hotel experience. Renovations can include the installation of high-speed Wi-Fi, smart room controls, and charging stations, ensuring that hotels remain technologically up-to-date. 11. Employee Morale and Productivity: Renovations can also have a positive impact on hotel staff. Updated and well-maintained spaces can boost employee morale and productivity, leading to better service and guest satisfaction. In conclusion, hotel renovation is not just about aesthetics; it is a strategic investment in a hotel's future. By continuously improving and adapting to the needs and expectations of guests, hotels can maintain their competitiveness, reputation, and sustainability in a dynamic and ever-changing industry.

  • Home Renovation: Timing, Planning, and Finding the Right Professionals

    Home renovation is an exciting and transformative process that can enhance the functionality, aesthetics, and value of your property. Deciding when to embark on a home renovation, where to start, and whom to hire are crucial considerations that can significantly impact the success of your project. When to Do Home Renovation: Assess Your Needs: Begin by evaluating the needs and goals of your renovation project. Is it necessary for functional reasons, such as outdated plumbing or electrical systems? Or is it driven by a desire for aesthetic improvements? Understanding your motivations will help you determine the right time. Budget and Planning: Ensure you have a well-defined budget and a clear plan in place before starting a renovation. Take into account factors like your financial readiness, availability of contractors, and the scope of the project. If your finances are in order, you can proceed with your renovation. Seasonal Considerations: Some renovations may be better suited for specific seasons. For instance, exterior renovations, such as roofing or siding replacements, are typically best done in the warmer months. Interior renovations can be more flexible but may be more comfortable in mild weather. Avoid Peak Times: Contractors may have busy periods, often during the spring and summer months. To secure their services and potentially save on costs, consider scheduling your renovation during less busy times. Personal Timing: Consider your personal schedule and lifestyle. Renovations can disrupt your daily routine, so plan them at a time when you can accommodate the inconvenience. Where to Start Home Renovation: Define Your Priorities: Start by determining which areas or aspects of your home require renovation. Focus on addressing the most critical needs or areas that will have the most significant impact on your living experience. Planning and Design: After identifying your priorities, create a detailed renovation plan. This should include architectural drawings, materials selection, and a project timeline. Consult with a professional designer or architect if necessary. Permits and Regulations: Check local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance. Determine if you need permits for your project and secure them before starting any work. Financing: Ensure you have a clear understanding of your budget and financing options. Set aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation. Choose Reliable Contractors: Select experienced and reputable contractors or professionals for the job. Obtain multiple quotes and thoroughly research each candidate's credentials, track record, and references. Whom to Hire for Home Renovation: Architect or Designer: Depending on the scope of your project, you may need an architect or interior designer to create detailed plans and layouts. Specialized Tradespeople: For specific tasks like plumbing, electrical work, or HVAC installation, hire licensed and certified tradespeople with expertise in their respective fields. General Contractor: A general contractor oversees the entire renovation project, coordinating various trades, managing timelines, and ensuring that work is completed to specifications. Project Manager: If you want to oversee the renovation but need assistance with coordination and scheduling, consider hiring a project manager. References and Reviews: Check references and read online reviews to gauge the reputation and reliability of the professionals you're considering. Contract: Once you've chosen a professional or contractor, ensure that you have a clear and comprehensive contract in place. It should outline all project details, including timelines, costs, materials, and responsibilities. In summary, the decision to embark on a home renovation should be well-timed, thoroughly planned, and executed by experienced professionals. Understanding your renovation needs, starting with a clear plan, and hiring the right team are essential steps in achieving a successful and satisfying home improvement project.

  • Top 6 Steps we as an Architect/Designer consider while designing your space.

    We the Architects/Designers prioritize few steps to design and make your dream to reality. Here's our salient methodology while designing the space Users Preferences Space Planning Lighting Ventilation Aesthetics and Function Materials and Finishes based on user preference and space requirement User Preference While starting a new design/project we prioritize the client needs and requirements, the deep interaction with the client will make us understand their vision and turning them to reality. We place ourselves in their shoes and understand how better we can solve their requiremnet and expand the vision. Space Planning Based on client needs and requirements and site parameters respectively, the spaces are defined in an entity with harmony, order, balance, proportion rhythm etc. The spaces are designed involving significant elements in the site, to make each design more interesting if required. We as the Architect/Designer priorities, the user should engage their day today activities with their preferred and customized enclosure to make them feel dominion. The transition from place to place are carefully considered in order to create privacy and restrict the visitors to trespass the private zone. Lighting There are two types of lighting which influence the space, they are Natural and Artificial light. The amount of light can be controlled and directed in to a space based on function and requirements and make it feel even more larger and livable. " Luxury does not always desire in material usage it also involves the amount of light flow throughout the space". We could direct the light flow in various opening medium than a conventional window opening.The indirect light flow makes the space much more airy and spacious. Ventilation Fenestration is the prime element considered while designing, the opening in an entity which will bring-in the light and ventilation to flow inside the space. In hot and humid regions, the cross ventilation allows the space to cool down and direct the trapped hot air out, which eventually saves the amount of electricity usage since there will be only a minimum requirement of artificial cooling system. Aesthetics and Function The aesthetic experience in a space, is not only about the visual form, but it is also multi sensory and immersive, involving the volume, texture and sound which determines the space as we move through it. The aesthetic experience always need to include the cognitive dimension. Aesthetics define's the design quality and purpose. All the elements in a space has it own purpose of function to satisfy the day to day needs and it is also pleasing and gives a visual treat. Materials and Finishes based on user preference and space requirement Material and its finish is one of the important aspect while designing a space. Selection of material always influence the aesthetics, site parameters, user preferences etc. Not all materials are suitable for all places, every materials are carefully curated to give visual treat and serve its purpose. For Architectural , Interior Design and Home Styling, contact

  • Avoid The Top 10 Mistakes Made By Beginning house owners?

    As first-time homeowners, it's common to make mistakes during the process of buying, moving into, and maintaining a new home. Here are the top 10 mistakes that first-time house owners may make: Overstretching on the Budget: One common mistake is buying a home that is beyond your budget. It's important to carefully consider your financial situation, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, and other expenses, and stay within a budget that is realistic for your current and future financial situation. Skipping Home Inspections: Skipping or skimping on a professional home inspection can be a costly mistake. Home inspections can uncover potential issues with the property, such as hidden structural problems, electrical or plumbing issues, or pest infestations. Investing in a thorough home inspection can save you from unexpected expenses down the road. Neglecting Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance tasks can lead to costly repairs or further damage to your home. It's important to establish a routine maintenance schedule, such as cleaning gutters, servicing HVAC systems, checking for water leaks, and addressing minor repairs promptly, to avoid bigger issues later on. Underestimating Homeownership Costs: Homeownership comes with various costs beyond the mortgage payment, such as property taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance. First-time homeowners may underestimate these ongoing costs, leading to financial strain. It's crucial to budget for all the costs associated with homeownership and plan accordingly. Not Building an Emergency Fund: Unexpected expenses, such as a leaky roof or a broken water heater, can arise at any time. Not having an emergency fund to cover these unexpected costs can lead to financial stress. It's important to build an emergency fund to handle unforeseen expenses that may arise during homeownership. Overlooking Homeowners Insurance: Homeowners insurance is essential to protect your home and belongings from unforeseen events such as fire, theft, or natural disasters. First-time homeowners may overlook the importance of having adequate homeowners insurance, leaving them vulnerable to potential financial losses. It's important to research and obtain appropriate homeowners insurance coverage for your home. Not Understanding Homeowners Association (HOA) Rules: If your home is part of a homeowners association (HOA), it's important to understand the rules, regulations, and fees associated with the HOA. Failing to comply with HOA rules can result in fines or other consequences. Make sure to thoroughly review and understand the HOA documents before purchasing a home. Skipping Regular Pest Control: Pest infestations can cause significant damage to a home and can be challenging and costly to resolve. Neglecting regular pest control measures, such as termite inspections or routine pest treatments, can lead to long-term issues. It's important to prioritize regular pest control to prevent infestations and protect your home. Not Planning for Home Improvements: Many first-time homeowners have plans for home improvements or renovations but may not adequately plan for them in terms of budget, time, or resources. Home improvement projects can be costly and time-consuming, and it's important to plan and budget accordingly to avoid unexpected delays or expenses. Not Seeking Professional Help When Needed: First-time homeowners may try to handle all aspects of homeownership on their own, but it's important to recognize when professional help is needed. Whether it's for home inspections, repairs, legal or financial matters, seeking professional advice and assistance when needed can prevent costly mistakes. Remember that homeownership is a significant investment, and it's important to be proactive, informed, and prepared to avoid common mistakes. Take the time to research, plan, and seek professional help when needed to ensure a smooth and successful homeownership experience. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact

  • Do It Yourself Projects for your Home decoration| Style your home interior | DIY Wall Installation

    Wall installations have an essential role in expressing the beauty and standards of the space. It is the finishing element that can help to pull a space together also makes it feel complete, whenever user walks into a room their eyes are drawn to specific spots that's how wall installation acts. Wall Installation tips Remember you are decorating a wall. Choose smaller pieces for narrow walls and larger canvas wall art pieces for big walls. Avoid hanging installations in direct sunlight to prevent damage. Artwork should be properly lit, but avoid using sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to irreparable damage. The ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause artwork to fade, crack, or warp. Wall installations should be placed at eye level. Creating an wall installations, first analyse what materials do you have and plan the design accordingly for selected wall. Examples If you have steel screen hangers, ropes, waste wood slaps and hooks you can create hanging wall pieces in your walls by tying those woods with ropes and connecting it to hooks and hang it in screen hangers which makes the wall unique and different. If you have coconut shells or small clay pots, ropes and wood trunks or twigs you can create vertical garden with indoor plants, it makes user to feel pleasant. We can create frames using ice cream sticks and spray paints which makes the wall complete. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact

  • Do It Yourself Projects for your Home decoration| Style your home interior yourself | DIY Organizer

    Organizing a home or your personal place is such a big task to maintain. There are so many ways to recycle and up cycle things to make it purposeful and unique which will also help us save money from buying expensive organizers. Cute little things like these incredible rope baskets will purpose multiple things to hold it in one place. Lets see how we can make it work. It's a very simple and quick DIY that you can tackle literally in minutes. Things that are required to make rope holder. Thick jute rope, or any thick rope Glue to hold rope in place Scissors Yarn Steps To make this beautiful basket Add glue to one end of the rope and start wrapping the rope in a circle Keep wrapping the rope until you have made the size that you would like the base to be Once the base is created, start wrapping the rope upright Wrap until the desired size, then cut the rope and glue the finishing end to the basket Bonus step: affix some charming DIY tassels with string or glue Here are just a few examples of how you can utilize this type of basket: use it for holding stationery items at your desk, on your counter or near your entryway use it as a planter corral your remote controls near a chair or sofa display it on your kitchen counter top for utensils or wooden spoons and many more For Architectural , Interior Design and Home Styling, contact

  • How artificial lighting can enhance your space? How to select lights for your home or office?

    Lighting is one of the most important parameter to consider while designing a space. Choosing a right color of light is although tough. The apt light fixtures will make a big difference with a flawless finish in a room. Understanding the indoor light colour Whether it's residential, commercial, retail, or outdoor every space needs to be illuminated well with proper light to create a refined ambiance. There are 3 types of light colours Warm white (2700-3000k), Neutral (4000k-5000k), Cool white (5500k-6500k). Warm white light is a Yellow tone based light Warm white lights have lower colour temperature and are perfect for creating a warm and cozy ambiance. They are easy for eyes and reduce eye strain. Yellow tones of lights are ideal for Living, Bedroom, Dining areas, Reception area, Hospitality (Hotels). The colour temperature of the light falls with in a range of 2700k-3000k. Neutral Light Neutral lights have higher colour temperature than warm lights and provides a brighter and more focused light. They often used in area which needs more function yet closer to natural light such as Kitchen, Office, Bathroom, Garage, Retail, Educational, Hospital where task lighting is needed. The colour temperature of the light falls with in a range of 4000k-5000k. Cool white Light Cool white lights have higher colour temperature and provides brighter light.This type of light features more of a sterile feel and is primarily used in Office, Retail displays, Museums, Medical rooms, Gyms and Industrial or Commercial areas. The colour temperature of the light falls with in a range of 5500k-6500k. Different Types of Indoor Artificial Lighting There are 3 elements of lighting namely, Ambient Light, Task Light, Accent Light. Ambient Light This is the general artificial light and it illuminates the overall room/area. It provides an equal spread of light to give a comfortable level of brightness and navigates safety around the room. Typically it can be provided by Pendent Light, Ceiling Down light. Task Light It allows the completion of task such as reading, studying and way finding etc. It is used where ambient light level are insufficient for the task in hand. Accent Light This type of lighting adds drama to the space and character and allows certain features regarding to highlight the interest. The accent light draws viewer’s attention to the items that is lit. Façade Light There are more techniques to highlight your façade with lights Direct Lighting or light falling directly on the façade Grazing or placing a façade light near a vertical surface. These lights are generally placed at the bottom which fades as they reach the top. This method helps highlighting textured surface correctly. Wall Washer light can illuminate flat facade and add more life to the place, it is generally placed far from the surface. Accentuating light is the opposite of washing light, as in this technique the lights placed closer to the façade and creates instant dramatic effect with the structural elements, openings and building details. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact


    How greenery influence in day to day life? – Greenery provide a sense of balance architecturally and psychologically. Buildings that feature greenery do more than just look good. The green spaces prove beneficial to building occupants, and even the building itself stands to benefit. Implementing Greenery on walls and roof of the buildings it reduces energy usage, it extend roof lives, it moderate temperatures in hot spots. Greenery can make space cooler by as much 45 degrees. Research says, indoor plants in the office reduces indoor air pollutants 87% in 24 hrs, overall stress by 60%, anxiety by 37%, fatigue by 38%, headaches by 20% and noise by upto 50%. Researchers have found that deciduous trees or vines to the west is typically most effective for cooling a building, especially if they shade windows and part of the building’s roof. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact


    Paint finishes play an important role in architecture and Interior design for home, office, workspaces etc. Home painting colours and finishes influences the feel and vibe of the room and here are 6 types of paint finshes. 1.Flat finish 2.Velvet finish 3.Eggshell finish 4.Satin finish 5.Semigloss finish 6. Gloss finish. In that flat or velvet finish it is used in room ceilings or other downplaying surfaces & walls with imperfections also, can use in adults bedrooms & other interior rooms that won’t be roughed up by kids, it is non-reflective finish. In Glossy finish it is used to brighten up small and dark spaces, high gloss should be avoided if there is excessive glare, easier to keep clean, it is the toughest & most stain resistant finishes; common in bathrooms, high traffic areas & kids rooms, kitchen, door & window trims, but it highlights the smallest flaws. In Semigloss finish light coloured paint is used to brighten up dark space. In satin finish it is warmer & soft pearl like appearance, great choice for painting moderate to high traffic areas like kitchen, baths & in basements whereas in eggshell finish it has similar appearance to the surface of an egg, bounces light around the room it is used in kitchen, family rooms, foyers, hallways, kid’s bedrooms. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact


    There are many different styles and designs you could consider when designing a front gate. Here are a few ideas for style to get you started: Modern and Minimalist: A simple, sleek design can create a contemporary look. Consider using clean lines and geometric shapes. Traditional: A more classic design can include decorative details, such as ironwork or wooden carvings. Rustic: For a more natural or organic look, consider using materials like wood, stone, or wrought iron in a weathered or distressed finish. Industrial: If you're looking for a more urban or edgy feel, you could consider using materials like steel or concrete finish panels, with clean, industrial lines. Nature-inspired: For an nature-inspired gate, you could consider incorporating elements like bamboo, wood lattice. Whatever style you choose, it's important to consider the overall aesthetic of your home and landscape, as well as any functional requirements, such as maintenance, security or privacy.


    How can I select a flooring type for my home? – Flooring is one of the important element in buildings. In that the perspective changes according to tile color, size, material & finish. Colour of the Tile: Considering color and tone; Monotone tiles will make dust, debris and dirt on the surface of the floor more noticeable, therefore, regular cleaning will be required; In a heavy traffic rooms small pattern will make the coating looks cleaner; If the door, wallpaper, curtains will overlap with floor color means it looks spectacular; light shade of tiles to add coziness for dark room. Size of the Tile: Considering size using large format tiles, you can create the feeling of extra space. It will perfectly fit into the interior of any room; living room, bathroom, hallway, kitchen, corridor, and bedroom. When the room is less than six square meters, then you should choose another option. Tiles of medium size or special mosaic look good on the floor. Finish of the Tile: Considering Material & Finish; Ceramic tile, Rock, Porcelain, PVC, Concrete, Cork in which its finishes varies according to each material. Bathroom tiles design might require a matte anti skid tiles while kitchen floor tiles design might require a stain free easy cleaning tiles, outdoor parking tiles design mint need a anti skid grooved tile for car tyres. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact


    What plants would look good in my Office? Since it is an office space, you would need indoor plants that are of minimal maintenance. Adding plants to your office can not only enhance the aesthetics of the space but can also have many benefits, such as improving air quality, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. It is important to choose plants that shed minimal leaves. Here are a few plant suggestions that would look good in an office setting: Snake Plant: This plant is perfect for low light conditions and requires minimal care. It also helps to purify the air by removing toxins. Pothos: Pothos is a fast-growing plant that can thrive in low light conditions. It's easy to care for and can be trained to grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. ZZ Plant: This plant has glossy, dark green leaves that can add a touch of elegance to any office space. It can tolerate low light and requires very little maintenance. Spider Plant: Spider plants are easy to care for and can thrive in a range of light conditions. They produce small white flowers and can also improve air quality by removing pollutants. Peace Lily: Peace lilies have beautiful white flowers and are known for their air-purifying properties. They prefer low to medium light and require moderate watering. Ficus Tree: A small ficus tree can be a great addition to a larger office space. They require bright, indirect light and regular watering. Remember that the key to successful plant care is to match the right plant with the right growing conditions. Choose a plant that is well-suited to the amount of light and space available in your office, and be sure to follow proper care instructions to keep your plant healthy and happy. Most suitable plants for indoor usage with less maintenance is Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as Snake Plant). It has a very modern look that goes well with your office space. It comes in many patterns. Choose the pattern that you like. The dark green with yellow lines are particularly to look out for. It also purifies your indoor air which is an added advantage when you are working in an indoor environment for long time. For Architectural and Interior Design services, contact

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